Covenant main battle tank
Covenant main battle tank

This section lists the best Covenants for Raid and Mythic+ for all specs in the Dragonflight Pre-Patch 10.0. Venthyr was removed from Mythic+.īest Covenants for All Specs in the Dragonflight Pre-Patch 10.0. Destruction Warlock removed Necrolord and added Kyrian to Raid.Affliction Warlock removed Night Fae from Raid and removed Necrolord Mythic+.Elemental Shaman removed Necrolord from Raid and Mythic+.Shadow Priest removed Night Fae from Mythic+.Frost Mage removed Venthyr from Raid and removed Necrolord from Mythic+.Fire Mage removed Venthyr from Mythic+.Arcane Mage added Venthyr to Raid and Mythic+.Balance Druid removed Night Fae from Raid and Kyrian removed from Mythic+.Fury Warrior removed Necrolord & Night Fae from Raid.Arms Warrior removed Kyrian & Night Fae and added Venthyr to Raid.Enhancement Shaman removed Necrolord and Venthyr from Raid.Subtlety Rogue removed Venthyr Mythic+.Kyrian & Necrolord were removed from Mythic+. Outlaw Rogue removed Kyrian from Raid.Assassination Rogue removed Night Fae & Necrolord from Raid.Retribution Paladin removed Night Fae and Necrolord from Raid.Survival Hunter removed Night Fae and added Venthyr to Raid Covenant.Havoc Demon Hunter removed Night Fae from Raid and Mythic+.Unholy Death Knight removed Night Fae and added Necrolord to Mythic+.Frost Death Knight removed Necrolord and added Night Fae to Raid.Restoration Shaman removed Necrolord from Raid.Holy Priest removed Kyrian and added Night Fae to Mythic+.

covenant main battle tank

Discipline Priest removed Venthyr and added Kyrian to Raid.Mistweaver Monk removed Night Fae and added Kyrian Mythic+.Protection Paladin removed Night Fae from Raid.Guardian Druid removed Night Fae from Raid and Mythic+.Blood Death Knight removed Kyrian and Necrolord from Raid and removed Necrolord from Mythic+.

Covenant main battle tank