Infernal war machine diablo 3
Infernal war machine diablo 3

infernal war machine diablo 3

The Infernal Machine costs 12,000 gold to craft. Right click on the plans to teach them to blacksmith and the Infernal Machine will appear on the Weapons tab under the new Portal Device heading (look under P). Once you gather all three keys and the crafting plans you can then take them all to the blacksmith. The Keywardens in the first three acts drop a key, and the Keywarden that appears in Act IV drops the crafting plan for the Infernal Machine.įor more information on the Keywardens and the drop rates of the keys click here. There are four Keywardens and each one can be found in one of the four acts in Diablo III.

infernal war machine diablo 3

To begin your journey all you need to do is find and kill a Keywarden.

Infernal war machine diablo 3